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Malaysia CRIF Company Profile Report is an online report that available on Malaysia registered companies and businesses. It is available instantly with the live data content directly from the public registry SSM ( Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia or Companies Commission of Malaysia, similar to its counterpart, ACRA in Singapore).

This Malaysia company profile report on companies offers an updated and instant view of basic information about the company with authenticated information from the Malaysia registry, SSM.

Company Details
Principal activities
Company Details
Capital and Equities
Financial Information (if any)
Subscriber 20.00
Non-Subscriber 25.00
Sample Report View Sample

More information about the Malaysia CRIF Company Profile Report:

  • Identification and Firmographic: the registration information is useful to verify a company whether is officially registered as a legal entity. It includes the background information, legal form, its address, line of business together with its industry codes.
  • Capital and Shareholding Structure: the registration information is useful to verify a company whether is officially registered as a legal entity. It includes the background information, legal form, its address, line of business together with its industry codes.
  • Board of Directors and Officer: this is the official registered board of directors and officer of the company, which may includes the company secretary, managers and receiver or liquidator that are appointed officially. Besides, it provides the identity information, date of appointment and the age of the directors.
  • Financial information: Multiple years comparative data and ratios if filed by the company and made available from the SSM.
  • Register of Charge: this is the official charge register that recording a list of assets or properties that is charged to a financial institution for credit facilities. It is required by the Companies Act of Malaysia, 2016 that all companies must register the charge to SSM.


These are audited Financial Statements submitted by Malaysian companies to SSM as part of their regulatory requirements. These financial statements are in TIFF format and are available instantly with the document delivered directly from the public registry SSM (Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia or Companies Commission of Malaysia).

Director Report
Statement of Financial Position
Statement of Profit or Loss
Statement of Cash Flows
Notes to Financial Statements
Subscriber 35.00
Non-Subscriber 37.00
Sample Report View Sample
Here is how to buy a Malaysia Financial Statement:
  1. First, search and buy the company's MY CRIF Company Profile Report here.
  2. After the Profile Report purchase, we will notify you if Financial Statements are available from SSM as shown in the example below:

    Malaysia Financial Statement AFS Example
  3. If you like to buy the Financial Statements, just select the Fiscal Year of the Financial Statements needed, Add to Cart, and complete the purchase of the Malaysia Financial Statement as instructed.
  4. Alternatively, login and go to My Account within 7 days, and click the same company report link. The message will appear for you to choose and buy the audited Financial Statements.
  5. If no Financial Statement is found. The message below will be displayed:

    Note: Not all companies are required to file Financial Statement with the Malaysia SSM. You will only be charged the price of the MY CRIF Company Profile Report if no Financial Statement is found. There is no charge for searching SSM Financial Statement, unlike other providers.
    Malaysia Financial Statement Not Found Example