World-leading provider of corporate information available in Singapore
We will be conducting monthly maintenance on 30th July 2024, from 2200 to 0000 (GMT+8). Service will be unavailable during this period.

Corporate Business Decisions and Credit Risk Solutions Are Driven By Data

Whether it is just verifying information of a customer, selecting a business partner, awarding a contract, granting credit, choosing a supplier or acquiring a company, every business decision you make must be supported by information. Gone are the days when mere gut-feel or experience was enough to drive your decisions. Today, you need data-driven insights to back your business acumen.

At CRIF BizInsights, we offer data-driven business solutions for you to:
  • Assess business risks and monitor changes of new and existing clients, suppliers and competitors to mitigate risks and built a profitable business.
  • Identify and optimise new business opportunities quickly, effectively negotiate favourable terms, and gain an advantage over your competitions.
  • Maximise your purchasing power and built a reliable and sustainable network of suppliers.
  • Acquire comprehensive and relevant data needed in analytical tools for strategic planning.

Our easy-to-use data solutions are designed to benefit both traditional and digital-age users. Customise data and reports are available to you fresh from official sources and on 24/7 to meet your information needs.

Effective Corporate Risk Management

  • Sound decision making from fresh and official data sources.
  • Fast and consistent information for credit risk assessment available 24/7.
  • Be alerted to significant information changes affecting initial assessment with monitoring of accounts and portfolio management.
  • Deeper analytics and insights for business planning with quality data that are fresh, complete, consistent and accurate

Efficient KYC Compliance, Onboarding & Customer Due Diligence

  • Technology enabled business verification for fast onboarding of new corporate customers and grow satisfaction.
  • Monitor risky account and conduct live KYC to reduce ongoing compliance risks.
  • Quick Identification of Conflict of Interest by establishing personal and business linkages
  • Improved and support automation in supplier verification and registration process

Identifying Market Opportunities

  • Effective prospecting and lead generation with customised data search and acquisition.
  • Identification of linkages for cross-selling and upselling opportunities
  • Facilitate implementation and adoption of CRM, ERP, SCM and various business solutions through customised data with API
  • Enhance Strategic Planning capabilities through Market analysis, benchmarking, competitive analysis

Managing Risks And Opportunities In Import & Export Business And Global Expansion

  • Access to official information globally and instantly to facilitate fast decision making.
  • Be alerted to changes with online and near real-time updates from official data sources across multiple countries.
  • Build and maintain quality databases for data analytics and planning.

Ready to explore more ? Check our services